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The Story

It all happened when I saw Kiss on the Paul Lind Halloween special when I was eight years old. I immediately became drawn to Ace Frehley playing his Les Paul guitar jamming all over the stage. From then on electric guitar was my calling and there would be no stopping me. My mom bought me a cheap Global guitar and amp from the Speigel catalog. I bought the Kiss Alive album from Ann & Hope department store and wore my record player needle from slowing down the record learning all the songs. I ended up playing in various bands in my teens and twenties. I would do all my own guitar set-ups and amplifier repairs. Eventually, I would do set-ups for other musicians.  I have worked on all sorts of guitars, having owned over 100 guitars and countless amplifiers of the last 40 plus years. My interests didn't only stop at guitars and amps, though. I discovered guitar pedal effects building and have created some various fuzz boxes and other noise making creations. My passion is building guitars that have individually styled finishes and hardware and creating products that make beautiful music. I also give lessons. 


That's Me!

Rock On!


Joe Lobao


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